If you’re wondering how to hide posts from someone on Instagram, I must say the process is pretty simple. Hiding any post will hardly take a few minutes, but provided you walk through the following article properly. Trust me; once you’re done, you’ll not have to search for this query again.

With over a billion users, Instagram is listed among the world’s most popular social networking platforms today. It is the 3rd biggest online community, followed by Facebook and Twitter. This social networking beast loads up handy features and remarkable visuals.

Instagram primarily focuses on sharing and finding the best media (photos and videos) on the internet. All thanks to the growing popularity, the platform holds on to a promising reach. However, some users intend to restrict that reach so that their posts get viewed and accessed by some limited viewers only. Probably you’re one of them, and this is the reason you’re after how to hide posts from someone on Instagram. Wait a little longer, and you’ll have the queries resolved.

Let me analyze the situation you are in. You have been sharing posts on Instagram but don’t want to show them to everyone on the app, so now you wonder how to do it? Can every Instagram user view your shared posts? Can you hide a post from someone on Instagram? If yes, how to hide posts from someone on Instagram? 

Get ready to face the answers right here. Dedicate a few minutes and read this blog post to find out how to hide posts from someone on Instagram.

In this blog post, I will thoroughly guide you on how to hide posts from someone on Instagram and everything related. So, without wasting any time, let’s get started.

How to Hide Posts from Someone on Instagram?

Instagram undoubtedly allows you to post images, but can you hide a post from someone on Instagram? Yes, you can do it by settings it for managing the privacy of your stories and posts. You can either block certain people to hide your stories and posts from them or else can make a list of close friends and share your stories with them only.

There are a few more ways which answer how to hide posts on Instagram from someone. Continue reading this blog post to learn all of these ways and easily hide your posts from anyone.

How to Hide Posts from Someone on Instagram: 4 Easy Methods

1. Sharing Your Story with Close Friends only

The Close Friends feature of Instagram allows posting a story to a selected group of Instagram accounts. With the Close Friends feature, you can choose to put a story to only a designated group or all of your followers. This is one of the most accessible answers to how to hide posts from someone on Instagram.

Anyone who is not on your close friends’ list can’t see if you have shared a story or not. Only users who are on your close friends can view your story. 

Instead of the usual orange and pink circle, Close Friends Stories have a green circle over them. Only you can see your close friends list and edit it anytime. 

Making the List of Close Friends:

  • Open the Instagram app for iOS or Android.
  • Press your avatar from the bottom right corner.
  • Now, you can either click the menu button from the top right and press “Close friends” (for both Android and iOS) or tap on your username at your profile’s top and tap “Close Friends” (for iOS)
  • In case you don’t have a close friends list already, the app will give you a “Get Started” button. After pressing it, you will be directed to a list of people suggestions for starting your list with, along with a link for guiding you the way it works. Once you have made your list, tap on the “Create List” button.
  • Now, you can view your existing close friends list by selecting “Close Friends.” Press Add in the top right corner. Search the username of the friends you want to add to the list and tap the Add button located next to their name.
how to make list of close friends

2. Setting Your Account to Private

Another solution to the problem, “how to hide posts from someone on Instagram,” is to set your account to private.

Changing your privacy settings is one of the easiest ways of hiding your post content from a specific individual or many people. By default, anyone on the platform can view your Instagram profile and posts; however, this platform offers you the settings for making your account private.

Once you set your account to private, only the followers you approve are allowed to view what you share. Even on the locations or hashtag pages, your posts will be shown to your approved followers only.

Do you know how to hide a post from someone on Instagram by setting your account to private? Follow the mentioned steps below to do it easily.

Set Your Account to Private: Desktop Mode

  1. Open Instagram.com on any browser
  2. Log in to your Instagram account by entering your username and password.
  3. Once your Instagram account is opened, click on your profile picture from the top right corner.
  4. Now, click the “settings” button
  5. Click Privacy and Security

Below the Account Privacy, click to check the box located next to Private Account.

Set Your Account to Private from Instagram App on iOS or Android

Now, let’s look at some easy steps on how to hide a post from someone on Instagram by setting your account to private from your smartphone.

  • Grab your phone and open the Instagram App
  • Press your profile picture icon on the bottom right; your profile will open.
  • Press three parallel lines from the top right corner
  • Tap the “settings” button
  • Now, tap the “privacy” button
  • Press next to Private Account, and boom! your Instagram account is now private
How to Hide Posts From Someone On Instagram

As you have learned how to hide a post from someone on Instagram by setting your account to private, it’s also important to understand the pros and cons of an Instagram private account. 

Instagram Private Account – Pros and Cons

In this section, I will describe the Pros and Cons of an Instagram Private Account. This short section has got the power to influence your decision of setting your Instagram account to private.


Better control over account

The best benefit of having a Private Instagram account is having better control over your account. Everything uploaded on your profile is hidden from the audience who isn’t in your followers’ list, likes and comments of unwanted fans can be stopped, people can’t easily steal and repost your content, so what do you need more!

Harassment is controlled

Harassment’s been a big issue online for a long time now, pretty much as long as there have been anonymous accounts and females on the internet. With a Private Instagram account, dealing with harassment from other people is much easier. 

Relation of trust among your followers

Your current followers will feel valued since you are allowing them on your private Instagram account, and they’ll be the first to see your shared content. Because you are not allowing everyone to view your content and engage with you, the ones you are allowing will trust you more!


Lesser Opportunities

Your chance of gaining new opportunities is going to go in vain. No one will know what is going on in your account since it is hidden. If you are a business, you might miss deals with some brands or companies. To assure that people can look at what you are doing on your account, your account must be public.

You won’t show up

Even if you set up a new hashtag, it would not show up. Instagram always assures that it’s hidden from everyone that’s looking through that hashtag. Therefore, no one will know what you’ve posted about or what you want to show to the world.

Activity on Public Accounts is not restricted.

Let’s suppose you’re leaving comments on public accounts. Well, those comments won’t be hidden only because your account is private. Public figures will usually don’t want to make this happen depending on what they’re commenting on or liking. This is now a con for everyone, but that’s something you should know.

3. Restricting the user

Can you hide a post from someone on Instagram by using the restrict feature of Instagram? Does it really work? Yes, it does!

When you restrict someone on Instagram, that person can’t view any of your future posts; however, they can still view your profile and your followers’ count. They will still be your followers, but they won’t be able to see any of your posts and the comments on them once you restrict their profile.

The messages and comments of the restricted person will not be shown in your profile. It is like keeping the person behind a privacy window where he/she can see you but can’t exactly interact with you normally, and neither do they realize that it is the case.

This tool is useful when you are dealing with repeat bullies who are leaving inappropriate comments on your posts and who might harass you in Direct Messages.

To further assist you on how to hide posts from someone on Instagram by restricting them, I have written two easy methods below.

Restricting through Settings

These simple steps are an easy answer to your question of how to hide posts from someone on Instagram by restricting them through settings.

  • Open Instagram App on your smartphone
  • Tap on your profile picture icon on the bottom right corner
  • Press three parallel lines on the top right corner, next to your username
  • A list of options will appear; tap on “setting.”
  • In the settings, tap on “privacy.”
  • Scroll down and find the “Connections” sections; in this section, tap on “Restricted Accounts.”
  • Search for the person you want to restrict
  • Tap “Restrict” next to their username

That’s how you hide posts from someone on Instagram by restricting them through settings.

How to Hide Posts From Someone On Instagram by restricting users

Restricting through the user’s profile

Can you hide a post from someone on Instagram by restricting them through their profile? Yes, you can do it easily by following the mentioned steps.

  • The first step is exactly the same, Open Instagram App on your smartphone.
  • Find the profile you want to restrict; you can do so by searching their username or by simply scrolling through your followers.
  • Once you find their account, click on the ‘…’ button on the top right corner of their profile.
  • A list of options will show up; tap on “Restrict,” which is the first option on the list.
  • Finally, Instagram will confirm if you want to really Restrict the user.

That’s how to hide posts from someone on Instagram by restricting them through their profile.

restrict users and hide posts on Instagram

4. Block their account

The last and most harsh solution to how to hide a post from someone on Instagram is to block them. Once you block someone on Instagram, they won’t be able to see your posts; your followers count, likes and comments, or anything related to your Instagram account.

Before learning how to hide posts from someone on Instagram by blocking them, you should know what happens when you block someone.

5 Important things to know before you block someone on Instagram

Can you hide a post from someone on Instagram? does it come with consequences? What should you know before blocking someone? That’s what this section is all about.

The blocked user can still mention you.

Strangely enough, the user you have Blocked is still able to mention your username if they remember it beforehand. Yet, these mentions will not appear in your activity. 

To completely prevent them from mentioning your username anywhere on Instagram, even if they know it, you can change your username. Hence, they won’t be able to mention you until they know your new username.

You can unblock whenever you want

Blocking someone isn’t permanent. Hence, if you have changed your mind, it’s always possible to undo your actions and unblock the user you have blocked.

The blocked users will not know that they are blocked.

This one is pretty obvious! If you have blocked a user on Instagram, they will not receive any notification regarding the same, unlike when receiving followers, comments, likes, or direct messages.

So, if you want to let them know that they are blocked, it is not possible. They can’t find your posts, profile, or stories.

Likes and comments of the blocked user will disappear.

Once you block someone, their likes and comments will disappear from your shared posts. These likes and comments can’t be restored even after you unblock them.

Your likes and comments are still visible on other posts.

Unlike Facebook, the blocked users on Instagram can still view your likes and comments on the public profiles. However, your likes, comments, DMs, and saves will all disappear from everything associated with that account.

Now, let’s get back to how to hide posts from someone on Instagram by blocking them. To do so, you can follow these 7 steps below:

How to block someone on Instagram – 7 simple steps

  • Open the Instagram app on your smartphone.
  • Find the user’s profile you want to block.
  • You can use the search function to find the account or press the account’s username from your list of followers or anywhere on Instagram.
  • Press Menu ‘…’ in the upper-right corner of your smartphone screen.
  • Press Block.
  • A confirmation box will appear with information about blocking on Instagram. Press Block to proceed.
  • You will see a message that the account is blocked. Press Dismiss, and the process has been finished.
how to block someone on Instagram

As you’ve completely learned how to hide a post from someone on Instagram by blocking them, you should also know how to unblock them. So, if you change your mind and want to unblock them, you can do so by following these steps:

How to unblock someone on Instagram – 7 simple steps

  • Open the Instagram app on your smartphone.
  • Tap on your profile icon on the bottom-right corner of the homepage. 
  • Press the icon of three parallel lines in your profile page’s top-right corner.
  • select “Settings” at the top of the pop-up menu
  • tap “Privacy” on the settings page
  • In the Connections section, tap on the “Blocked Accounts” button.
  • Press the Unblock button next to the user you wish to unblock.
  • Finally, select Unblock
how to unblock someone on instagram

The user can once again see your profile, message you, follow you, like your photos and videos.

Some Common Queries Around – How to Hide Posts from Someone on Instagram.

Let’s look at some common queries that revolve around how to hide posts from someone on Instagram.

1. Can I hide posts from someone on Instagram?

If you’re after hiding posts on Instagram and wondering if it is a possibility, the answer is yes. There are many ways in which you can restrict a particular user from viewing the posts you upload. While creating a close friends’ list and sharing the post within that domain is the most usual way of doing it, you can set your account to private and even block the concerned account to hide your posts.

2. How to prevent a certain person from seeing my post?

The easiest way to prevent a specific person from seeing your post is removing him/her from your follower’s list, followed by setting your account to private. However, suppose you want that person to continue being a follower. In that case, the only option to hide your posts is by assembling a close friend’s lits and sharing the media with specifically the created list.

3. How to mute someone else’s post from your Instagram feed?

Those who don’t want a particular post to pop up again and again on their Instagram feed can follow the steps below and mute it:

  • Log in to your Instagram and hover over to the concerned post.
  • Click on the three dots button sitting next to the post.
  • Look for the option that says Mute and click on it.
  • Finally, confirm by tapping “Mute Posts.”

These were some of the most frequently asked questions about how to hide a post from someone on Instagram. Now, let’s get to the final thoughts about how to hide posts from someone on Instagram.

Final Thoughts – How to Hide posts from Someone on Instagram

Can you hide a post from someone on Instagram? How to hide a post from someone on Instagram? That is what this blog post was all about! All four methods described in this blog post can help you in hiding your posts from a certain individual.

This was all about how to hide posts from someone on Instagram. If you still have any queries, I urge you to feel free to get your queries answered in the comment section below.

And with that, I’m done answering “how to hide posts from someone on Instagram.”

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