How to tell if someone removed you on Instagram? The query has been troubling many, but sadly the world of the internet lacks the most effective answer to it. But not anymore.

It is not as easy as anonymously following someone’s profile to figure out how to tell if someone removed you on Instagram from their followers. To be honest, we as users often intend to learn about similar kind of data, and I’m sure, at any point in time you would have probably wondered or might still be wondering the same.

Well then, you’re having your lucky day, as the following article holds the resources you need.

Instagram would be premium chocolate chip-flavored ice cream if social media was ice cream. Instagram is now the most elite and happening platform on the internet. The main reason for the platform’s popularity is because EVERYONE ELSE is on it!

Creating and sharing with users all around the world has never been this easy, but that is not the only reason we use Instagram. It is also because staying up to date and following or stalking someone has never been this easy. And yes, let us all agree that we all have stalked someone’s profile at some point, haven’t we? But whatever, we’re here to talk about something different and serious.

Let’s get it straight, If you think someone removed you from their Instagram, that’s a tough spot to be in. The same worsens, when you’re not sure if it has really happened. But you don’t need to worry anymore. All thanks to the days of research, I’ve successfully scrapped a number of brilliant tips that will let you figure that out once and for all. So, let’s find out and learn how to tell if someone removed you on Instagram and more!

How to Tell if Someone Removed you on Instagram: 3 Best Ways

1. Checking the User’s list Manually

check the follower list

Instagram does not notify its users when someone removes them from their followers’ list, so it’s up to us to figure that out. One of the effortless methods is to just take the user’s profile page. There will be stats about the user’s number of posts, number of followers, and number of following.

Select the followers’ list. This will show all of the user’s followers, and if that includes you, then good news, because you are a follower too and have not been removed by them. So you can find out how to tell if someone removed you on Instagram.

If you see a ‘Following‘ on the page, then it shows that you still follow the person. But if you see an option for ‘Follow‘ or ‘Follow back,’ then tough luck because they have already removed you.

2. Using an App

Various apps like Iconosquare, Sarman, or Instagram Insights can help analyze your account and update it regularly. Suppose you have a Business or Creative account. In that case, you get Instagram Insights as a built-in app, which analyzes stats and provides insights into your account statistics, including followers, engagement, account performance, etc.

how to tell if someone removed you on Instagram

So this is another answer to how to tell if someone removed you on Instagram. Do a quick research on the internet and get along the app that suits your requirements. I would recommend you using the Instagram Insights as it is an entirely open source utility.

Note: There were many apps that did the same, but most of them were removed by 2021

3. Downloading Data from Instagram

This is an efficient alternative answer to how to tell if someone removed you on Instagram. Instagram lets you download account performance data, and analyze the same for different days in a spreadsheet. It represents a great way which will show you the changes in the number of followers.

Quick Tip: This comparison process can be automated by using Macroreader software, which automates the data analysis process. So as of now, you no longer have to wonder how to tell if someone removed you on Instagram.

What is the difference between being Removed and being Blocked on Instagram?

When users wonder how to tell if someone removed you on Instagram, in most cases, they tend to confuse it with the blocking scenario. Now, before proceeding any further, I would like you to know the difference between the two.

Unfollow Vs Blocked on instagram

When you are removed as a follower, you are not given access to the content of someone’s private account like their posts, but you would still be able to find them, see their bio and profile picture, and you will also be able to message them. The posts will not be visible on their profile page.

Getting blocked, just as the name suggests, is the harshest way of canceling someone out. But if you have been blocked, you will not be able to see the user’s bio and profile picture; you will also not be able to message them or find them on Instagram. Let us hope that no one will ever block you.

How to tell if someone blocked you on Instagram: Top 4 Ways

know if you're blocked

Method 1: If someone has blocked you on Instagram, you would not be able to see anything more than an empty profile, and it would be impossible to access them in any way. You will not be able to send or receive DMs from that user. It would seem like the person has deleted the entire account on Instagram.

You can also cross-check this by checking from a logged-out account in the browser. If the account shows up, then it was your personal account that was blocked. But if the account does not show up even after searching from another account or from a logged-out browser, then the account might have been deleted completely.

Method 2: If you search on Instagram from your account and find the person, then they have not blocked you. If it shows ‘This account is private, you can simply tap the Follow option for the ability to see what they’re sharing.

Method 3: Another way to find out if you have been blocked by someone who has commented or tagged your photos, you can click their profile from the comment section. This is possible because Instagram does not remove old comments or tagged photos, even if the person has blocked you.

So this is a trick to access them. If you cannot find the profile or see the post count without seeing any other information, this indicates that you have been blocked. If the account can be accessed and looks normal, then it indicates that you have not been blocked.

Method 4: Another alternative to finding out if you have been blocked is to access their DMs. Instagram deletes old messages and does not allow users who have been blocked to message the users after being blocked. So if you are unable to message the user, you can be sure that they have blocked you.

These are the main tricks to find out how to tell if someone removed you on Instagram. So this is how to tell if someone has blocked and not removed you on Instagram.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Instagram Restrict?

Instagram Restrict is a new feature of Instagram that lets you restrict a user’s activity in your feed. This is designed to keep Instagram a comfortable and safe space and to deal with bullies on the platform. It is one of the safest and most accessible ways to avoid interaction with someone without letting them know or sending them a notification.

A restricted user will be able to like or comment on the posts, but the comment can only be posted if you approve of it. Thus, it will be viewed only after the approval of the user. The user can approve the comment, delete it, or keep it in a pending state. 

Instagram said that this feature’s goal was to allow users to keep space from people that they want to. The message sent by a restricted person will not show up in the regular DM space but will be separately stored in a spam folder. Instagram also makes it hard for a restricted person to tag the user, as it will not show up in their suggested list while tagging. It is like a sugar-coated version of being blocked.

2. How to tell if someone removed you on Instagram on purpose or if you have been randomly removed without the knowledge of the user?

If you are an Instagram user, chances are you had noticed that you were removed or unfollowed by someone, when in reality, they did not unfollow you. This is probably because Instagram has an algorithm that shows how interactive you are with users, and for profiles with the least interaction, there may be an occasional removal of followers.

This is not exactly an Instagram feature, but several users have noticed this happening to them. It may be a way of avoiding random spam following and authenticating the relationships between users. So now you know how to tell if someone removed you on Instagram on purpose or randomly by Instagram. You can just follow once again, and this problem will be solved.

3. Can you see who blocked you on Instagram?

Instagram has made it a priority not to let users get notified when they are blocked, just for keeping the app a friendly place. So the only way to get a complete list of the people who blocked you would be to use third-party apps. But it is against Instagram’s terms of service, so you should be willing to use these apps only if you’re ready to take the risk.

In case you want to see only a few people who blocked you, you can check the user’s profile and see if it is visible.

4. How to know if someone still follows you on Instagram?

If you have removed someone from following you on Instagram, you can cross-check if the person still follows you. This can be done by just going to your profile page and selecting the ‘followers’ option. There is a search option on top to manually type in the username instead of scrolling through the whole list. If the person hits up your search result, then he/she still follows you. If not, then they do not follow you anymore and have been removed.

How to Tell if Someone Removed You on Instagram: Answered

So now you know in detail how to find out if someone has removed, restricted, or blocked you and have found out how to tell if someone removed you on Instagram. Instagram has become the success that it is because it keeps trying to be a safe and healthy platform for all users. The entire purpose of enabling users to remove, restrict or block users is to give each user freedom for personal space and privacy.

Every Instagram user thus has a moral obligation to respect the boundaries that others set on the platform. Keeping this in mind, let us keep connecting, interacting, and sharing on the trendy social media platform.

You now know how to tell if someone removed you on Instagram.

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